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Part of Jim O'Youngs collection of Platemasters. Included is a rare single stack with a Damascus slide, jointly worked on by Claudio Salassa, Pistol Dynamics, and Alan Elishewitz from Elishewitz Knives. This gun was featured in American Handgunner in 2007.
Read the latest Briley-Nightforce Newsletter

Emily and her Dad Sporting her Briley Gear

Team Briley-Nightforce F-Class Rifle Team participated in the 2016 FSSA sponsored Florida State F-Class Championship. Way to go!

Inter School Skeet Competition
Everything came together this past weekend in Morro Bay, CA and I was fortunate to win the 2016 Steel Challenge World Speed Shooting Senior Division Championship. The competition level was very intense from a lot of talented shooters and I am extremely honored (and happy!) to have shot my fastest time of the year and earn the title.
Thank you so very much for your friendship and support throughout the years. You have helped me live the dream and work to achieve my goals.
The Open & Limited Platemasters were laser accurate, ran absolutely flawlessly and were a joy to compete with. You have always provided me with the best tools to get the job done.