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Tube Set Comparison and FAQ

What is a Briley Tube Set?
Tube sets are aluminum tubes with stainless steel and/or titanium chambers that can be inserted inside your barrel, changing it to a smaller gauge.  The chambers have an integral extractor that lines up with your barrel's ejectors. These tubes run the length of your barrel (except for Side Kicks) and have interchangeable screw chokes at the end.

What barrels can hold tube sets? 
Most over/under and side/side barrels can hold tube sets. Tube sets can be made for 10 ga, 12 ga, 20 ga, 16 ga and 28 ga barrels.

What is the difference between the Ultimate Ultralight and Ultralight Tube Set?
The Ultimate Ultralight has Long Forcing Cones and Straight Rifling. Long forcing cones reduce felt recoil and reduces deformation on pellets (reduces flyers). We have to lengthen your 12 Gauge shotguns forcing cones for the Ultimate

Ultralight tube set Weight is about 10-12 ounces (dependent on barrel length and bore size). The Ultralight Tube Sets do not have straight rifling or long forcing cones. Their weight is also about 11-12 ounces (depending on barrel length and bore size).

What is the weight of a standard Match Weight tube set? 
About 14-15 oz depending upon your barrel length and bore size.

What is a Companion Drop-In tube set?
Companions are universal aluminum tubes that are designed to shoot in a variety of makes/models of barrels.  These are designed to self-adjust to the barrel as you tap them in. They are shipped to you and do not require you to send in your gun. 

What are Side Kicks? 
These are similar to the Companions but the aluminum tubes do not run the length of your barrel.

What do they cost?
It depends on the type.  Please view them under our tube set section.

When you fit my firearm with a fitted tube set do you need the barrels or the entire firearm?
We need the entire firearm so we can fit the tube set chambers to your barrel plus fit the aluminum tubes to the correct bore size and length.

What changes are made to my gun for a tube set?
In order to shoot .410, your triggers may need to be lightened so they reset with the lower recoil.  We call this a trigger conversion.

Are Tube Sets be made for Non-Toxic Shot?
Please call one of our sales representatives at 1-800-331-5718 if you plan on shooting non-toxic ammo.

How do I ship my firearm?
Our preferred carrier is UPS, but most carriers visit daily. Take precaution in your packing and make sure to insure it.

We will return your barrel via UPS ground unless your request otherwise.

Do we make rifle caliber inserts for shotguns?
No, unfortunately we do not.  There are many different challenges to overcome in building inserts for rifle calibers, and most shotguns that will accept sub-gauge shotgun tube sets do not lend themselves well to rifle conversions without extreme modification to work with rifle calibers.



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